Russian Track and Trace

We have decrypted Russian crypto code and crypto key track and trace requirements


Understanding Russian Track and Trace System

Russia’s Federal law 425-FZ requires medicines to be uniquely identified across packing levels with additional Russia-specific cryptography. Under Russia’s Federal law, participants must track and report products in various stages of the supply chain.This information is reported to Russia’s centralized Federal Repository (IS MDLP).

As one of the pioneers of Track & Trace compliance provider, SS DATACODE has successfully implemented T&T at more than 100 locations. We are strategically positioned to support pharmaceutical companies to achieve compliance well in advance of the January 1,2020 deadline mandated by the Russian government.

Serialization and Datamatrix Code

Single Saleable Unit

Every single saleable unit has to be serialized and the identification must be realized by a data matrix code. Furthermore, the law contains definitions regarding the look of the code and what has to be included.

Russian T&T Code

Russian T&T code is a code sequence consisting of an “Identification Code” and a “Verification Code”. This means the code includes the Application Identifiers AI01 for GTIN, AI21 for Serial Number, AI91 and AI92 for the crypto code.

Identification Code

Identification Code is a code sequence consisting of GTIN and Serial Number. This means this code includes AI01 GTIN and AI21 Serial Number.

Verification Code

Verification Code is a code sequence, which is generated by cryptographic transformation of the Identification Code. The corresponding Application Identifiers are AI91 and AI92.  

Verification Code Verifier

Check of authenticity as a result of the combined verification by using Identification Code and Verification Code.

Trust Datacode as your solution partner for one of the most complex Track and Trace regulations in the world