Offline Serialization System

Datacode track and trace hardware solutions are designed for offline coding and serialization on flat cartons. It enables cost-efficient serialization of small and medium batch.

The codes are printed on the top side of flat carton. Our machine can accommodate various types of flat and lock bottom cartons.

We can also supply machine with universal feeder

Offline Machine 1
Online Machine 1

Online Serialization System

Designed for online serialization, verification and aggregation. Guide is fully adjustable to quickly and easily accommodate various types of filled cartons.

The codes are printed as required on the flaps (front or back side) or the top of the filled cartons.

Our online machine can be installed into a line network with automated product feed or as a mobile stand-alone unit with manual supply. The unit can be retrofitted into any existing packaging line.

Online Aggregation Only System

Designed for online verification and aggregation. Guide is fully adjustable to quickly and easily accommodate various types of filled cartons.

The codes are printed separately with offline serialization machine on secondary cartons. Then after secondary packing (Manual packing line / cartonator / weighing system) this machine can be connected for aggregation.

Our online aggregation only machine can be installed into a line network with automated product feed or as a mobile stand-alone unit with manual supply. The unit can be retrofitted into any existing packaging line.

Online Machine 2
Offline Machine 2

Bulk Aggregation System

Designed for successful semi-automatic aggregation of manually repacked folding boxes. It lets you conveniently assign units from a lower level (filled boxes or bundle) to a higher packaging level (Tertiary).

The operator places the packaged units layer-by-layer in the shipment carton. Each completed layer is then photographed from above by the fully integrated camera. The camera automatically moves to the preset height for packing in order to always ensure the proper focus distance. After the defined number of layers and units has been reached, the aggregation level is completed and a label is automatically generated.

Manual Aggregation System

Designed for manual offline aggregation of items into bundles, outer boxes and pallets so they can be labelled in accordance with Track & Trace requirements.

Manual Scanning Station

Let's bring your traceability ideas to life together. Get in touch!