DATASOFT® CLAP for Anti- Counterfeit Solution

Counterfeiting is one of the fastest growing economic crimes of modern times. It devalues corporate reputations, hinders investment, funds terrorism, and costs hundreds of thousands of people their livelihood every year.

Counterfeiting is a constant problem that affects all manufacturers, whether they make shoes or electronics, but we finally have a way to stop it. Our DATASOFT® CLAP – Anti-Counterfeit Solution will find the fake product with ease through our innovative Counterfeit Detection Technology (CDT).

datacode barcode

DATASOFT® CLAP for Anti-Counterfeit Solution

datasoft clap for product authentication


Counterfeiting is the act of producing fake or imitation versions of a product with the intention of deceiving people into believing that it is genuine.

Counterfeit products can range from luxury goods such as handbags and watches to everyday items such as medications and electronics.

Counterfeiting is illegal and can result in serious consequences for those who engage in it, including fines and imprisonment. It is important to be able to identify counterfeit products to protect yourself from being deceived and potentially harmed.

DATASOFT® CLAP with its innovative Counterfeit Detection Technology (CDT), assists in identifying fake products and showcases the same to the manufacturers as well as consumers. 

Real Or Fake

Which One is Real?

Which One is from Authorized Production?


  • We, at SS DATACODE INDIA conceptualized DATASOFT® CLAP (Consumer Loyalty and Authentication Program) module software – with it’s Unique Random QR CODE Identification on every individual pack of the Product empowers every buyer to scan the QR CODE and get authenticated directly from the official website of the Company.
  • DATASOFT CLAP ensures every buyer buys a genuine/authentic product by creating confidence in the Product and Brand of the Company.

Scalable Features

With captured consumer information, marketers can reap the benefits of sending more relevant and personalized messages that get results. Send personalized emails, newsletters, SMS messages and surveys to test new products or measure customer satisfaction

Regardless of the industry, we can create a solution for you. Get in touch!